




Reply to Using CoreData entity in SwiftUI view
Thank you, so now I have something like this var meeting: Meeting But the PreviewProvider now says it is missing an argument for the parameter 'meetings'. How do I initialize some dummy data for the preview if the data is in CoreData? I have 'meetingName' of type string, 'meetingLink' of type URI, and 'meetingTime' of type Date. Thank you!
Feb ’21
Reply to Can't Figure Out How to Use Function
Ok, I've imported Foundation, but I'm still getting a compiler error: "Cannot find 'isDateInToday' in scope". I've cleaned the build folder and attempted to build. My code: if isDateInToday(oneTimeDate) {                     Text("Today at \(oneTimeDate, formatter: itemFormatter)") oneTimeDate is a variable of type date.
Feb ’21
Reply to Can't Figure Out How to Use Function
Text statement is correct - doesn't compile even with static string. Code is below: import SwiftUI import Foundation struct OneTimeRow: View {     @Environment(\.openURL) var openURL     var oneTimeName: String     var oneTimeLink: String?     var oneTimeDate: Date     var oneTimeNotes: String?     var body: some View {         HStack {             VStack(alignment: .leading){                 Text("\(oneTimeName)")                     .font(.title3)                     .fontWeight(.semibold)                     .padding(.top, 5.0)                     .padding(.bottom, 0)                 if isDateInToday(oneTimeDate) {                     Text("Today at \(oneTimeDate, formatter: itemFormatter)")                 } else if isDateinYesterday(oneTimeDate){                     Text("Yesterday at \(oneTimeDate, formatter: itemFormatter)")                 } else if isDateInTomorrow(oneTimeDate) {                     Text("Tomorrow at \(oneTimeDate, formatter: itemFormatter)")                 } else {                     Text("\(oneTimeDate, formatter: showDayFormatter) at \(oneTimeDate, formatter: itemFormatter)")                         .foregroundColor(Color.gray)                         .padding(.bottom, 3.0)                         .padding(.top, -3)                 }             }             Spacer()             Button {                 print("Sending to computer")                 guard let data = URL(string: "\(oneTimeLink ?? "undefined")") else { return }                 let av = UIActivityViewController(activityItems: [data], applicationActivities: nil)       , animated: true, completion: nil)             } label: {                 Image(systemName: "")                     .font(.title)                     .padding(.trailing, 1)             }             .buttonStyle(BorderlessButtonStyle())             Button {                 print("Joining on iPhone")                 openURL(URL(string: "\(oneTimeLink ?? "untitled")")!)             } label: {                 Text("JOIN")                     .fontWeight(.semibold)                     .foregroundColor(Color.white)                     .frame(width: 60.0, height: 30.0)                     .padding(.trailing, 1.0)                     .background(/*@START_MENU_TOKEN@*//*@PLACEHOLDER=View@*/*@END_MENU_TOKEN@*/)                     .cornerRadius(20.0)             }             .buttonStyle(BorderlessButtonStyle())             NavigationLink(destination: MeetingsDetailView(detailMeetingName: "\(oneTimeName)", detailMeetingLink: "\(oneTimeLink ?? "Undefined")",  detailMeetingTime: oneTimeDate, detailMeetingNotes: "\(oneTimeNotes ?? "No notes")")) {             }             .frame(width: 10)         }     } } private let itemFormatter: DateFormatter = {     let formatter = DateFormatter()     formatter.timeStyle = .short     return formatter }() private let showDayFormatter: DateFormatter = {     let formatter = DateFormatter()     formatter.dateStyle = .short     return formatter }()
Feb ’21
Reply to Best practice for removePendingNotificationRequests with CoreData
Thank you, I'm now having trouble because I want to use the .onDelete(perform: ) to call two functions, the actual delete function then the delete notification function. I don't know how to call two functions, though: .onDelete(perform: deleteItems) Here are my two functions:     private func deleteItems(offsets: IndexSet) {         withAnimation {    { items[$0] }.forEach(viewContext.delete)             do {                 try             } catch {                 print("There was an error deleting items")             }         }     }     private func removeSingleNotification(meetingID: String) {         notificationManager.removePendingNotificationRequests(meetingID: meetingID)     } So I want to call both of these with the onDelete but I don't know how to include both functions because when I do, I get a compiler error that it can't type check in a reasonable amount of time. Thank you.
Feb ’21
Reply to Best practice for removePendingNotificationRequests with CoreData
Code for content view: @Environment(\.managedObjectContext) private var viewContext @FetchRequest(         entity: Item.entity(),         sortDescriptors: [NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \Item.time, ascending: true)],         animation: .default)     private var items: FetchedResultsItem NavigationView {                 List {                     Section(header:                         Text("One-Time Meetings")                             .textCase(nil)                             .font(.headline)                             .onAppear {                                 checkForUpdate()                             }                     ) {                         ForEach(items, id: \.self) { item in                             OneTimeRow(meeting: item)                         }                         .onDelete(perform: deleteItems, removeSingleNotification(meetingID: "\(item.meetingLink)"))                     }     private func deleteItems(offsets: IndexSet) {         withAnimation {    { items[$0] }.forEach(viewContext.delete)             do {                 try             } catch {                 print("There was an error deleting items")             }         }     }     private func removeSingleNotification(meetingID: String) {         notificationManager.removePendingNotificationRequests(meetingID: meetingID)         print("Deleted notification scheduled for meeting with identifier \(meetingID)")     }
Feb ’21